Blown away today by the news that God did something huge for a sweet friend today. Reminded me of the image of a little kid wanting so badly to make a goal in basketball. For hours he would stand infront of the basketball goal and concentrate with everything in him to heave that big ole ball halfway to the moon (it seemed)to sink it thru the net. Time and time again, he tries, never attaining the goal. But his Father has been watching the tireless effort of the young boy. He is impressed by the dedication and sacrifice. He steps onto the court and has favor on the little boy. He lifts him high into the air, and steadies him there. The boy now sees the impossible thing as a Himpossible thing. He concentrates on the goal and takes a breath. Then when the time is right, he shoots. And, you guessed it! He scores! What a victory! He looks into the eyes of the One who holds him, and acknowledges the favor bestowed. The Father winks at him, affirming him as if to say, "I gotcha! Good shot!"
There are times when our dreams seem to big, too high, to impossible to become reality. But we are passionate, and we pour our hearts into the quest. Our efforts are grand, praise-worthy even...but not good enough. We just can't get close enough to the goal to score.It's just out of reach. That is when God desires to grant us favor. He picks us up, holds us high, and steadies us for the task at hand. What had seemed impossible is now Himpossible. So we concentrate and focus on the goal. When the time is right, we take our shot. Nothing but net! We know it was all God...all grace. We gaze on His goodness, and we're pretty sure we see Him wink in affirmation, as He reminds us that, "He's here! & He's got this!" We serve and awesome God.
Deut 31:8..."It is the Lord who goes before you, He will never leave you nor forsake you; so not fear or be dismayed."