
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Little Boys Becoming Men

I rounded the corner just in time to catch my son & his buddy stealthily sneaking down the stairs, all dressed out in tactical gear, pretending to hunt down the bad guys. This brings both amusement and sadness to my soul.

My heart laughs because my son & his friends have played like this all their lives...all eighteen years of their lives. Yup, he's not my little boy anymore. He's 6'4" of long, lean, would-be Marine. It brings a smile to my face to remember that he has played thusly all these years. It's always been his mindset. In our house camo has always been a color. Toy guns are abundant, whether they shoot paint, water, or BB's. I am accustomed to airsoft BB's all over my house(can you say "pet peave?"), weird-looking camoflauge suits hanging around, paintball or airsoft guns parts here & there. It is just normal around here.

But as I watched these two tonight, I am also saddened to realize that this time next year, they may not be playing a game. You see they have both sworn in to the USMC this summer. They are awaiting their ship dates for bootcamp, likely January, and then all this will just be a memory. The game will have become a way of life. This time next year, I will be wishing I could catch them at play. Longing to fuss about the war zone in his room. Wishing there would be just a couple of those little white BB's under the bed. It would be more comforting than wondering where my Marine is & what he's doing.

But I have long since given this child to the Lord. He was never mine to keep anyway. We, as his parents, must pour all we have into him and trust God to lead him thru. I pray that he seeks after the things of God, harder than he seeks after the bad guys. I pray that God's plan/mission is ever on his mind. I pray that he remembers whose he is. I pray that he puts on the armor of God before he ever puts on his military armor. That his most valuable weapon is the sword of the Spirit. I pray that he knows his safe harbor, in the time of storm. Our little boys don't stay little boys forever. Eventually they turn into men...hopefully men of honor & integrity. And us mama's? We just keep on praying...some things never change.

1 comment:

  1. I can so relate with you only we had pretend dress-up, with many games of Pretty Pretty Princess. They played beauty pageants, brides, and oh yes played school teacher constantly. I get to watch them both walk down the isle this year to begin the next chapter of their lives with the man of their dreams. I have loved watching our children grow into strong adults with a desire to serve God and country. - praying with you friend- Gayle M.
