
Friday, August 19, 2011

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things...

Challenging myself to try something new. (Insert drum roll here) Announcing the birth of my new blog. Here you will find a sampling of things that speak to my heart. It will likely become a melange of topics that I treasure. Most of these topics will likely be stories about four of my favorite kids. Dr. Seuss had Thing #1 and Thing #2. Me? I am blessed with Thing #1, Thing #2, Thing #3 & Thing #4. God so often uses my kids to bless me, teach me and stretch me. I can't remember the last time my life was dull. With four kids that are as different as night & day, you just never know where the road will lead. I welcome company along the journey, and you're invited to join us. Be patient with me as I take on this new challenge. The blog will likely change a lot over time, as I learn new things. Feel free to leave comments. I am timidly excited to begin this blog. For years I have followed other peoples' blogs. I know they can be very encouraging and entertaining for readers. I hope always to honor God with each and every post. Let the journey!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty blog! Your Things look great in the photographs. :-) I am looking forward to being encouraged & entertained, as you said. Thank you for your willingness to share yourself with others this way.

    Be blessed!
