
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Yes!...A Thousand Times....Yes!

The answer was YES! A strong, resounding, unshakable "Yes!" Amid a slurry of question marks & a mountain of unknowns was found a peace that passed all understanding. The question was a tough one, a scary one, a life-changer. Is this our child? Is this the one we have been seeking? Is she the one I have been holding in my heart? Is she the answer to our prayers?

I remember noting, nine years ago today, that there were no fireworks or magic easy button. But there WAS peace, blessed assurance that this was our child. After receiving the most-anticipated call imaginable, 4 days prior, Ben and I found ourselves desperately needing to hear from God. Knowing full well that our hearts were deceptive and completely untrustworthy for the task at hand, we simply couldn't breathe with out the Lord in those days. We were told by the specialist that she would need to be categorized as "high risk". We prayed together and then apart, face down in the carpet, desperately needing the guiding hand of our Creator God, of her Creator.

Sure there are risks with international adoption, but there are risks with biological births as well. The risks will always be there. Sometimes life is hard, but God's grace is sufficient. He is faithful to be found, to lead, to guide. And He never sends us on a journey without equipping us to handle the hurdles. Oh, we feel very incapable and overwhelmed at the very thought of the task. But He has indeed gone ahead and prepared the way for our timid footsteps; much like the story of Gideon who definitely had occasion to know fear's grip.

Fear and I have always been close, way too close. The story was told that as a toddler, I was occasionally lifted to the top of the refrigerator & encouraged to jump into the waiting arms of my Daddy. Don't judge...we also rode around without car seats or seat belts. My sister was always more willing to jump right off. But me? Not so much. It took a bit of coaxing from my Daddy before I would close my eyes and jump into his more-than-able hands. He would always catch me in his strong arms.

God's peace is available when I jump in faith. When I can't see what's ahead, can't plan for the next step, can't make out the path...that's when He does it. He settles my heart, places me in the cleft of the rock and covers me there with His hand. Then He blesses me richly in unfathomable ways. He deserves all the glory and the honor. He sets us up to soar for His glory. I am so glad I jumped, jumped right into His arms. It was an unforgettable ride. A journey full of twists & turns, where His presence was evident around every turn. I can't thank Him enough for the gift of this child.

He has blessed our family with four awesome kids, each as different as can be. Each with a journey of their own. May they know the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. May they know their promised land in all its splendor as they too obediently jump in faith, when the Father beckons them to "JUMP!"

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